URL Parameters

Scribble Maps now supports lat,lng,zoom,kmlpath,yaw,pitch, and maptype in the URL. Don't worry, just like before you can share a map with just the Scribble Maps Map ID, but now there is additional parameters to let friends see exactly what you are looking at on a particular map.

So a URL will now look like this:

But this still works:

The website address is automatically updated as you move around, but for those of you who are interested, here is a list of the parameters currently supported.

lat - the view's center latitude
lng - the view's center longitude
z - the view's zoom
t - the view's map type (Hybrid, Terrain, Satellite, etc..)
p - the view's pitch
y - the view's yaw
q - The path to a KML file.

For those of you who are technical, the path to a KML file is the quick and easy way to get a KML into Scribble Maps so that you can start working on it.


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