Paint Bucket, Text Markers, SHP, and Updates

Sorry for the lack of updates, we have been very busy the last two months both adding features as well as improving some behind the scenes technical stuff. One of the big features we added, if you haven't discovered it already, is a paint bucket. This allows you to scribble out a shape and then fill it with a color of your choosing. This functionality is completely compatible with Google Maps, so any filled shape should show up properly in both Google Maps and Google Earth.

There is also a hidden functionality of the paint bucket tool and that is it also works on borders/lines. Meaning you can use the paint bucket tool to change the color of the outline of a polygon, or just to change the color of an already existing line.

We have also added the ability to create Text Markers without the white border/background, when creating a Text Marker just hit the no border check box.

We have also been diligently working on improving support for SHP files in Scribble Maps Pro, this has turned out to be much more difficult then we expected, but we are making some progress.

We have a lot in the pipeline and you have all been very helpful by providing us great feedback.


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