
Hello all, we have been diligently working on our next version of Scribble Maps and we are very excited. When we first built Scribble Maps we were not really sure how it would even get used and you all really surprised us. On more then one occasion we would have people come to us and ask for certain features and what we have decided that on top of adding them to our own we would develop an API that would allow developers to build different versions of Scribble Maps. We are aiming to have the new tablet ready version of Scribble Maps and the API ready for late july or august of this year, and here is what you can expect.

Scribble Maps Javascript (HTML5) / Tablet Support
Scribble Maps was originally built in flash, and while flash has a lot of advantages it lacks the support on some major devices such as iPad. While widgets can be viewed, our editor could not, this is going to be changing.

Scribble Maps API
This is what we are the most excited about, this would give developers the ability to use our tools and technology to create out of the box drawing applications. This is more then just a wrapper API, we have developed our own cross-browser drawing support. This drawing render works with Google, however it will also work with Bing, Yahoo, Mapquest, and Open Leaf.

It gets better, into the API we are building support to pull in data layers from a variety of sources including geoCommons, Google, WMS, Custom tilesets and Spreadsheets.

Map Data API
Linked with the above API will be our data API, this will be able to be used independently of the SM JSAPI, and will allow you to save and then retrieve maps in a variety of different formats.

Scribble Maps Themes
The new version of Scribble Maps is being built from the ground up with themes in mind. This will not only allow for creating say a dark/grey theme you can switch to, but it has the more practical application of allowing the entire editor to be modified based on what you are using. So when you visit Scribble Maps on iPad you will get larger buttons.

Map Collaboration / Private Maps
While it won't be built into our first release, we will have support for individual item modification. This will allow groups of users to work on a single map. In addition to this we are going to be adding support for truly private maps that can only accessed via password.

Misc Features and Tools
While we haven't been active on our feedback forum because we have been focusing on development, we do read every single one. We will be adding things like the ability to turn off marker clustering, to change map measurement units (ft/metres) and more. In addition the new version of Scribble Maps will have at least one new very cool tool we think you will all enjoy.

New Scribble Products
One of the goals of developing our API is also to allow us to rapidly deploy mapping products. The first will be showcase demo of our API called ScribbleTrails.com which will be a wiki based mapping experience for sharing biking and hiking trails. We will also be developing products for the education space that will make it simple for teachers to have amazing geography classes.


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