Current State of Pro

There has been some confusion regarding pro and we hope this will clear up some confusion. However, before I start I want to say that if you are a paying member you get additional features in the basic editor of Scribble Maps. Some of these features are not available in pro yet including larger images, pdf saving, and secure map saving. This is because the basic editor is actually the most recent version of our tech.

On September 2nd Google disconnected their flash maps API. We knew this was coming but we didn't get the memo in mid august and we were under the impression that we actually had to the 15th, we were wrong. This lead to pro going down and us scrambling to come up with a solution. In order to get pro to a functional state for the interim we opted to go with MapQuest because they had a flash API.

I use the term interim because we have been working on the new version of Pro which essentially utilizes all the same tech of our new basic editor but with all the extra features currently in pro like the layer editor etc.. Unfortunately our flash app was very large and transitioning it all over has taken much more time then we expected.

No one is more frustrated by this situation than us. We thank you ahead of time for bearing with us and if you are currently a VIP or Pro member we highly recommend checking out the new basic editor because this is going to be the future of pro as well. It has a ton of new features like unit selection, marker clustering disabling and the ability to create large images and pdfs. We are hoping to have the new version rolled out before the end of the month.

If anyone has any questions about any of this, emails can be sent to [email protected]. Again we apologize for any inconvenience and we are working our best to get everything better than it was before.


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