Pro Update

We are working towards getting the new tech and pro working, however, it is a lot of work. While some of our users are unaffected, we have some that require Google. In the mean time we are going to talk about how you can bridge the gap.

Basic 2.0

Some of you who have been using Pro for a very a long time might not be aware but what used to be considered the "free" version has features that open up when you become a VIP member. Some features that are in the basic editor are not currently in pro. These features include.

  • PDF saving (VIP/Pro only)
  • Saving large images up to 1500x1500 pixels  (VIP/Pro only)
  • Secure Maps / Password Protection  (VIP/Pro only)
  • Rotating Markers
  • New Widget editor
  • Swapping placed markers
  • Flight Line Tool
  • Disabling Marker Clustering
  • Change and setting unit measurements
  • Tablet support
What Basic doesn't currently have is the layer panel, kml editor, and file management. However it does have map management.

save image

The new pro will have all these new features plus the current pro specific features. We profusely apologize for this inconvenience. All the new features that we have included in the new version of basic have been implemented from direct user feedback. We do care, and we want to resolve it.

Important Note
Maps created in the new basic editor cannot be loaded back in pro because the maps effectively become version 2.0. Pro maps however will load in the basic editor. So keep this in mind before saving an existing 1.0 map in the new basic editor.


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