The Scribble Maps Community

Why Launch a New Forum?

There are many reasons to launch a new forum, though it is clear that it’s human nature for us to converse, listen, debate and discuss. We all have a desire for deep interpersonal relationships, to connect with others, and to be integrated into a group. 

People love to share their knowledge, thoughts and opinions with the world. Building an online community can provide a lot of value to the brands that choose to implement them, but more importantly, it becomes a massive boon to the users that participate as well. 

Through the new Scribble Maps Community forum, we hope to provide customers with peer-to-peer self-service support, improve our services and offerings, build on our relationship with our clients, and increase customer success.

Let’s take a moment to review the benefits of each of these.

1. Peer-to-peer Self-service Support

The Scribble Maps Community is the perfect place for support representatives and customers to share, discuss, and upvote resolutions to common problems. Furthermore, you can share your knowledge and creativity to help guide others toward accomplishing their own business and personal mapping goals.

Customers can use this full-fledged knowledge-sharing platform as a go-to reference for:

  • Strategies
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Guides
  • Suggestions
  • Resolutions

Customers will now be able to turn to our community forum to see if their issue already has a resolution, thanks to the assistance of like-minded individuals. 

Members of the forum can upvote their favourite ideas for new products and services to help Scribble Maps identify new feature opportunities.

2. Improving the Platform

No company should ever stand on its laurels. There is always room to grow and excel further. There is a vast sea of knowledge in the world. To ignore that knowledge would be foolish. With the Scribble Maps Community, you can be a key contributor in helping to improve;

  • Customer Support
  • Production Ideation 
  • Insight

Forums are the perfect place to gather feature requests to help prioritize developments and get feedback on ideas from those who use Scribble Maps the most. Users can help to identify any issues or pain points our customers may be experiencing. 

Building strong relations is vital to improving our platform. The more engagement we have with our customers, the closer we are to implementing the next great feature.

3. Relationships Matter

Online collaborators can help bring out the creative sides of active members, providing ideas that might never be considered otherwise. Working together can help bring new and innovative ideas to the table. Everything you see with Scribble Maps was created, in no small part, thanks to over 13 years of customer feedback. 

Join the Scribble Maps Community to ask questions, share knowledge, and discuss topics of common interest.

We hope our forum acts as a one-stop resource for collecting knowledge and relationship-building because Scribble Maps’ ideas and successes are our customers’ ideas and successes.

4. Increase Customer Success

While the Scribble Maps Community is still new, our goal is to make our new forum a crowdsourcing platform to share strategies, tips, tricks, and feedback, to link our customers with one another and, of course, to our product development team.

Customer success is our #1 priority.

Harness the power of your community by finding others who have already done what you are trying to accomplish. The most helpful explanations often come from fellow users, those using the product daily. While support agents may be able to help, there may be users more familiar with your specific use case.

Forums also empower users to share their expertise and first-hand experiences to help others accomplish their goals. Your success is our success.

We Want To Hear From You

Regardless of the many benefits of starting our forum, the Scribble Maps Community will be the perfect place to connect with others, receive peer-to-peer self-service support, help improve our services and offerings, strengthen your relationship with ScibbleMaps, and increase success.

Be among the first to join the Scribble Maps Community and witness its evolution. Get in on the conversation and have your say. 

Welcome to the Scribble Maps Community!


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